Islam is a different religion, abnormally because the banking relations in the Sharia are acutely adapted and accept a number of austere requirements and restrictions.
Islamic accounts are alternatively alleged ethical finance, and this is an actually fair name. According to Sharia law, a Muslim should not accord money for advance (earn interest), advance in banned activities (gambling, assembly of banned products), appoint in affairs with boundless uncertainty.
Muslims attach to these requirements; so they abhorrence such counterfeit investment methods, like cryptothermia. Many cryptothermies acutely accept characteristics banned to Muslims. Therefore, an adjustment not to breach the demands of the Sharia, Muslims abstain investments in these assets.
In the apple, there are at atomic 50 actor users of cryptocurrency, and an allotment of them alone a baby allotment is represented by 1.8 billion Muslims active on the planet.
Islamic accounts are, in fact, an affiliation amid an applicant and a banking academy that promotes honest, cellophane and reliable business relationships based on the culture, belief, and attack of Islam.
Blockchain technology is aswell based on ensuring bluntness and accuracy - a actual all-important action for the avant-garde world, but, unfortunately, the accelerated development of the industry led to a paradox: the crypto-currency bazaar admiring a huge amount of fraudsters and instead of cleanliness and transparency, bazaar participants got a bamboozlement and an adumbration market.
Of course, on the added hand, accomplished and appropriate humans accustomed absurd opportunities to construe their ideas, and their efforts affect added development of the market. This development was bent not alone by regulation, accession of acquaintance and the alpha of accumulation bartering use of the technologies getting developed, but as well by establishing top moral and ethical standards of accomplishing business in this industry.
People should accept that cryptothermins are honest, reliable and safe.
And in this we see an accomplished befalling for the bazaar to use a simple and accessible attack of the bluntness of Islam.
Now there are no companies alms chip solutions for Islamic catacomb investment. We intend to break this problem.
Our audience and investors application our casework will be abiding that their accomplishments actually accord to the attack of Islam, which is accustomed not alone by the assessment of our Advisory Council, but as well by the opinions of added experts and the accustomed assessment of the community.
Our abstraction is not alone to actualize a company; this is an attack to authorize new ethical standards for business administration in the industry.
Adab - the behavior assigned by the norms of the Sharia, including acceptable manners, standards of decency, address and humanity.
"Monotheism calls for faith." Acceptance calls for the acknowledgment of canons. The canons bind a man to be brought up. He who does not accept courtesy is far from canons, acceptance, and monotheism. «
"Courtesy is the austere acknowledgment of what decorates accomplishments and activities."
The name of our aggregation ADAB Solutions is an abundant responsibility. Adab is a way of activity in Islam, which we accede not alone accustomed in accustomed life, but as well an binding base for business relations.
We will actualize the world's aboriginal crypto-exchange, which will accede with Sharia law. FICE will become an accustomed band-aid for the accord of Muslims and users of Islamic accounts in the crypto-currency market. The exchange will act in accordance with the attack of Islam, but it is actually accessible to all users, behindhand of religion.
One of the lots of important appearance of our activity is the administration of the aggregation in accordance with the Islamic administration model, which supplements the about accustomed standards of business management.
But the capital aberration is that in our aggregation the Islamic Accounts Council (Shariah Advisory Council) involves one of a lot of important administration bodies and control centers.
All this will accord to the actuality that our aggregation will accommodate high-quality casework and advice to the Muslim association about the crypto-currency market, will backpack out an allegorical mission, facilitate the captivation of the Muslim association in the bazaar of crypto-currency trading.
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