I am glad to live in this era and I really appreciate the efforts of people who have already done so much into contributing to improvements in technology; the benefits of which we are utilizing now and appreciate the technology itself, which allow us to present our ideas, and their transformation in to a working products, to you cryptocurrency, is a revolutionary idea taking birth in the form of Bitcoin. It has now expanded to various genius ideas, providing opportunities to people improving the business ethicality, making the concept of the world as a global economy a truth and much more.
From studies achieved, it is proven that bitcoin has taken the lead in this 21st century and so many crypto projects are everywhere. People are taken lively components in crypto initiatives and the need for an IEO will be needed.
From a research carried out, is proving that many big IEO website stopped their website from running IEO on their website due to scam crypto projects everywhere, for this reason, crypto project teams have been finding it difficult to run IEO for their various crypto projects. An IEO is the only way project teams raise funds for their various projects, and if they see a website to run their IEO thousand of dollar is been taken from various crypto project teams.
For this reason, 2ether has taken a bold step in trying to solve this problem.
2ether has developed a platform under blockchain and technology, a platform that is fast, secure, easy, and user-friendly. 2ether platform is a place where crypto project teams can run their IEO at a lower fee, 2ether will also make sure that your project IEO will be successful and will also attract investors to your project.
IEO fundraising is too expensive and unreliable
Automated IEO platform with the immediate listing
2ether is a new ethereum fork that aims to create innovative spaces for IEO launches, decentralize exchange, smart contract design and startup crowdfunding.
 2Ether will launch a special platform for fast and very affordable IEOs. It will be integrated with the decentralized exchange, and the initial offering process itself will be automated and decentralized. The whole procedure will take just a few days. Since there will be no centralized exchange running the process, projects won't have to pay exorbitant fees to list their tokens. Here are the key steps:
1) Registration: founders need to enter detailed information about the project, its utility, tokenomics, jurisdiction, website, presentation (pitch deck), social media channels, and GitHub page; the token's smart contract must be provided, too;
2) Adding team members: full names, short bios, links to Linkedin profiles and Twitter accounts; 3) Uploading documents: White Paper, Technical Paper, one-pager, business plan, and financial model;
 4) Payment of the initial application fee (circa $100); this fee is allocated to those users who conduct project verification. Further, the project creators need to stake a certain amount of ET2 (equivalent to circa $1000-2000, depending on the project complexity and IEO terms). This stake is released immediately after the IEO.
 5) All the files and information become visible to the whole 2Ether community;
6) Members of the community conduct independent reviews of the provided materials and rate them. Specially approved members audit the smart contract. Every rating gets its own hash, which is recorded on the blockchain. Ratings are treated as transactions where the amount sent is zero. Each user who leaves a rating is rewarded with ET2 tokens.
 7) The total rating of the project is calculated. Those projects that score above 1000 points (this number can be corrected in the future) are considered approved. If a particular project feature seems very suspicious, a user can set a red flag, calling upon other network members for further scrutiny. If a project is found to be fraudulent, it's rejected, even if it accumulates a high number of rating points.
8) The project receives a notification about the verification results. The application fee is not refunded, even if the project is rejected.
 9) Approved projects get access to the IEO dashboard, where they can customize their token offerings. It's possible to set the number of rounds, price of one token in each round, discounts or bonuses, accepted payment methods  (ET2, ETH or both), number of tokens offered in each round, duration, start and end dates, token listing date, etc.
10) Based on the information provided, the IEO fee is calculated according to a special formula. In general, the more funds a project aims to raise, the higher the fee. In any case, the total fee will be much lower than on centralized exchanges.
 11) The IEO is registered in the system, and information about it is published on the platform. The project can also choose to begin their IEO immediately and make it last for weeks or even months. It's even possible to set the token listing date within the period of the IEO. In this case, the token can be traded while the initial token sale is still active. Of course, this can mean additional risks for the project if the token's exchange price falls.
12) When the start date of the IEO comes, the token will become available in the IEO section on the platform. All raised funds will accumulate in a special IEO wallet protected by the multisig technology. This means that while the IEO is running, the founders won't be able to run away with the money. The other private keys to the wallet will be allocated to a number of high-rated network members. Their number will be high enough to exclude collusion with the founders.
13) At the end of each IEO round, the raised funds will be released from the wallet (once the necessary signatures are collected). The remaining part of the fee is deducted from the total amount. This fee, too, is distributed among the users who run verification and full nodes. A part of the fee is transferred to the 2Ether development fund.
14) The funds are transferred to the project's wallet. The process is repeated in the subsequent rounds. If the project decides to organize an additional fundraiser down the line (for example, several months later), it won't have to submit all the initial info again. But it will be required to provide proof of progress (an MVP or anything that has been done since the last IEO round).
Symbol: ET2 Blockchain:
2Ether (derived from Ethereum)
Mining algorithm: Proof-of-work with incentives for CPU/GPU miners
Average block time: 60 seconds

For more information please follow 2ther on the following social media channels.
Author: vin22
Wallet Address: 0x50976cbdD54EdC5d6e81ef100484E76DDb9aF7DF


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